Employer Tour – Metalworking Group

The Workforce Innovation Center partnered with Advanced Manufacturing Industry Partnership (AMIP) to connect our workforce providers with several employer tours during Manufacturing Month in October 2024.

Employer Tour: UC Health-Pharmacy Tech Opportunities

In November, members of our workforce partner network participated in an employer tour and discussion about the pharmacy technician roles and growth opportunities at UC Health. The UC Health Pharmacy team hosted us at UC Health’s Daniel Drake Center for Post Acute Care.

Cohear Report on Work with the Center

Over the past two years, the Workforce Innovation Center has been pleased to partner with Cohear, a community engagement and strategy company, to bring us insights from working individuals throughout our region through a series of focus groups. We are now pleased to share the results with you! Geared directly to employers, explore the insights shared by workers on key themes around economic inclusion and advancement, racial disparities in the workplace and entry-level employees. Read the report – Turning Commitments into Change: Workforce Inclusion and Advancement.

The 2022 State of the Cincinnati Region Engaging Employees Directly: Partnership with Cohear

Cohear is a community engagement and strategy company that connects leaders to the everyday experts – the people who live the issues – in the communities they serve. In partnership with WIC, Cohear has organized and facilitated five community conversations with employees in a range of industries, as well as people struggling to find employment – both before and since the start of the pandemic. These meetings have focused on a range of topics, including childcare, unemployment, upward mobility for entry level positions, and various new challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Workforce Innovation Center has released “Gen Z in the Workforce in the Cincinnati Region,” a report that focuses on Gen Z in our region who are currently in university or who have a university degree and are in the workforce. Interested in a copy? Please fill out this form.